
Every young animal needs the attention of a caregiver and loving care. Thanks to this, the first days in the new home, away from the mother or siblings, will become a real joy. At this stage, it is also essential to teach our new life companion the rules of our home. We know very well that the cat's temperament, especially the small ones, is enthusiastic. So how to take care of a little cat to become our best companion in adult life?

| 09th of September 2020 |

What do you need to know about small cats?

For small cats, the world is full of interesting places worth discovering. They are tempted by smells, sounds, colours and even wind or shadows sneaking around the room. Their natural curiosity and trust encourage them to play, often without noticing the dangers. Only with time, they will learn that loud sounds are a warning, and fast-paced cars or barking dogs can be dangerous.

One thing is sure - the experience gained by a kitten in the first weeks of his/her life influences his/her later character and behaviour. During the first three months of life, a cat teaches her children everything that every self-respecting cat should know. Therefore, taking kittens from their mother too early is a big mistake, which can result in fear or problems with socialization in the future.

Contact with people is equally important. Stroking, playing, hugging, feeding at a later stage are essential activities that help to create a bond.

So how to raise a kitten as a brave cat?

Cats are individualists. Some of them are open to new things and willing to learn, while others... teach the patience of their caregivers. Indeed, a small kitten should be taught three basic things:

  • reacting to the name,
  • cleanliness,
  • to come on call.

Remember also that the process of effective teaching a small kitten is based on the gradual acquisition of new skills and then their systematic repetition. So choose a time when your kitten is not sleepy and will be able to focus on tasks. He/she will be motivated by healthy treats. Remember, however, that learning should not take too long. A tired kitten will quickly become discouraged. It is also better to focus on practising one skill at a time, consistently for a long time. When you notice that your kitten has actually mastered a new skill, then move on to the next one. Watch your kitten closely as well - if he/she tends to jump on the table, for example, and you don't want him/her to do so in the future, react immediately. The sooner you start learning and making house rules, the sooner you'll enjoy success.