
Not only humans but also pets are affected by allergies. More and more of our four-legged friends suffer from skin and food intolerances. What are the symptoms of dog's allergy, and how can we help our pets? You will learn about this in the article.

| 09th of September 2020 |

Dogs allergy - the most common symptoms

Dog allergy is an increasingly common phenomenon that affects representatives of different breeds and ages. The symptoms of this disease may vary and have different severity. Usually, however, they significantly reduce the standard of living of our pets. Early detection of a dog's allergy allows for a quick diagnosis and therapy.

The main symptoms of dogs allergies are dermatological ailments. The occurrence of an allergic reaction in four-legged pets is accompanied by significant skin itching. Dogs scratch intensively, which often leads to skin damage and purulent inflammation. The skin changes usually include the head and ears as well as the abdomen and paws. In some cases, a dog's allergy also manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis or nasal discharge.

What to do if you suspect your dog is allergic?

If we notice any disturbing symptoms, we must go to the vet, who will examine the dog, conduct a detailed interview with us and make appropriate tests. Diagnostics, in case of allergy, is essential. The treatment depends on the type of known allergens.

Types of dogs allergies

A common type of allergy that tires dogs are an allergy that results from contact of an allergenic substance with the skin - the so-called contact allergy. The cause of the problems maybe shampoo, carers' toiletries, a health collar, toys and even a washing powder in which we wash the dog's bed. It also happens that dogs are allergic to grasses or trees growing in the garden.

The second common type of allergy in dogs is a food allergy. In this case, the factor causing the reaction are allergens found in low-quality zoonotic proteins or cereals, which are included in the pet food. One should also be careful about flavour enhancers, dyes or other substances contained in dog treats.

Among the less common dog's allergies is inhalation - that is an allergy to pollen. Its typical symptoms in dogs are tearing, coughing and sneezing - similar to humans.

How to treat a dog's allergy?

The most essential thing in the fight against pet allergy is the proper diagnosis and compliance by the carers with the rules set by the vet. If your dog suffers from inhalation or contact allergy, take care that he/she does not come into contact with the allergen and, if this is not possible, administer the medications prescribed by the vet.

In the case of a food allergy, it is of the most important thing to follow a diet and give your dog a suitable food - without artificial dyes or preservatives, and containing good quality protein and minerals. It would help if you also chose appropriate snacks - with natural ingredients that will serve your pet's health. In this role dog biscuits from Shoripette are ideal!

Remember that an allergy can significantly reduce your pet's quality of life. In case of any disturbing symptoms, immediately go to a specialist for the advice!