
If a new member of the family, your puppy, is about to arrive in your home, you're probably wondering what things he/she'll need. To make it easier for him to socialise and get used to the new conditions, it's a good idea to have a full puppy layette beforehand. What things need to be prepared to greet your puppy? You can read about this in our mini guide!

| 30th of June 2020 |

Puppy layette - essential elements

When you decide to take a four-legged friend into your home, you also take responsibility for looking after him/her. Before you can bring your puppy home, you'll need to purchase food, bedding, walking accessories and care products. A complete list of things you need for your puppy is as follows:

Food for your puppy

If your puppy is from a kennel, you'll probably need to find out what he/she ate before bringing him home. You might get a layette for your puppy, which will also contain a supply of food for the first few days. If it's a shelter dog, it's worth buying good quality food, rich in valuable nutrients.

Remember also that puppies have specific nutritional needs that will support their proper development. Food that's tailored to your puppy's needs will provide him/her with the energy and nutrients he/she needs to keep his/her bones healthy and support his/her skin and coat.

Vets recommend that the new food be introduced gradually. New menu items may make your dog sensitive, so you should always check your dog's reaction to the new food.

It's also worth buying treats for your dog. Properly selected will serve to enrich and diversify your dog's diet and will also work well with training. We recommend especially made of natural ingredients, dog biscuits from Shoripette.

Water and food bowls

Before you buy bowls, think about where to put them and how much space you have for them. They also need to be sized according to your dog's target size. Puppies grow fast after all.

Dog bed

Each dog must have its own place in the apartment where he/she can rest and sleep in peace. For this purpose, it is worth buying a unique dog bed, which is available in different sizes and colours. Pay attention to the quality of the cover material and filling. Also, find out if the bed is washable. These are essential issues that affect your puppy's comfort and safety.

Toys for your puppy

Every young dog loves to play - fetching, dragging, throwing. This is an opportunity for him to acquire new skills and establish a relationship with his caregiver. When choosing toys, remember that they can't be too hard, as your puppy still has milk teeth. Buy a few to start with and see which type he'll/she'll like best - a rope, a mascot or maybe a squeaky chicken?

Accessories for a walk

Other essential accessories for your puppy include a harness and leash. You won't go for a walk without them. Learning to walk on a leash will probably take you some time. It's worth being patient and firm. Then your puppy will quickly learn the basic principles. And don't forget to bag the dog's excrement.

Surely a new member of the family is a big challenge. As well as accessories, think about taking your dog out for walks, choosing a vet or preparing your household for his presence.